Select Your Currency

RM Malaysian ringgit $ US Dollar

Select Your Currency

RM Malaysian ringgit $ US Dollar

Knowledge Base

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Follow Format

Step 1

Choose system then click setting.


Step 2

Click blue button to edit store details.


Step 3

Go to General.


Format Description Example
Meta Title Name of your store Ecomdiy Network
Meta Tag Description Provide summary of website’s content Ecomdiy Network is a global company
Meta Tag Keywords Help to tell search engine what the topic of the page is Apple products
Theme Theme for your store

Step 4

Go to Store.


Format Description Example
Store Name Title name of your store Ecomdiy Network
Store Owner Your name Adam
Address Your company address 121, Jalan Pekan Baru
Geocode Postal address 08000
E-mail Your email address [email protected]
Telephone Your contact number 012 345 6789

Step 5

Go to Local.


Format Description Example
Country Your country name Malaysia
Your currently state Your state Kedah
Language Type of language English
Administration Language Language for your administration English
Currency Type of your country currency Ringgit Malaysia
Auto Update Currency Set you store to automatically update currencies daily Yes
Length Class Type length Centimeter

Step 6

Go to Option.


Format Description Example
Category Product Count Show the number of products inside the subcategories in the storefront header category menu Yes
Default Item Per Page (Admin) Determines how many admin items are shown per page (orers, customers, etc) 20
Allow Reviews Enable/disable new review entry and display of existing reviews Yes
Allow Guest Reviews Allow guests to post reviews Yes

Format Description Example
Voucher Min Minimum amount a customer can purchase a voucher for 1
Voucher Max Maximum amount a customer can purchase a voucher for 1000
Display Prices With Tax Enable/disable the tax with prices Yes
Use Store Tax Address Use the store address to calculate taxes if customer is not logged in. You can choose to use the store address for the customer's shipping or payment address Shipping Address
Use Customer Tax Address Use customer's default address when the login to calculate taxes. You can choose to use default address for customer's shipping or payment address Shipping Address

Format Description Example
Customer Online Track customers online via customer reports section No
Customers Activity Track customers activity via customer reports section No
Customer Group Default customer group Default
Customer Groups Display customer groups that new customers can select to use such as wholesale and business when signing up Default
Login Display Prices Only show prices when a customer is logged in No
Max Login Attempts Maximum login attempts allowed before account is locked for 1 hour. Customer and affiliate accounts can be unlocked on the customer or affiliate admin pages 5
Amount Terms Forces people to agree to terms before an account can be created Privacy Policy

Format Description Example
Invoice Prefix Set the invoice prefix. Invoide IDs will start at 1 for each unique prefix INV-201700
Display Weight on Cart Page Show the cart weight on the cart page Yes
Guest Checkout Allow customers to checkout without creating an account. This will not be available when a downloadable product is in the shopiing cart Yes
Checkout Terms Forces people to agree to terms before a customer can checkout Terms & Conditions
Order Status Set the default order status when an order is processed Pending
Processing Order Status Set the order status the customer's order must reach before the order starts stock subtraction and coupon, voucher and reward redemption Complete
Complete Order Status Set the order status the customer's order must reach before the order starts stock subtraction and coupon, voucher and reward redemption Complete

Format Description Example
Fraud Order Status Set the order status when a customer is suspected of trying to alter the order payment details or use a coupon, gift voucher or reward points that have already been used Cancelled
API User Default API user the admin should use Default
Display Stock Display stock quantity on the product page No
Show Out Of Stock Warning Display out of stock message on the shopping cart if a product is out of stock but stock checkout is yes No
Stock Checkout Allow customers to still checkout if the products they are ordering are not in stock No
Affiliate Requires Approval Automatically approve any new affiliates who sign up No
Automatic Commission Automatically dd commission when aech order reaches the complete status No
Affiliate Commission (%) The default affiliate commission percentage 5

Format Description Example
Affiliate Terms Forces people to agree to terms before an affiliate account can be created About Us
Return Terms Forces people to agree to terms before a return can be created None
Return Status Set the default return status when a return request is submitted Awaiting Products
Captcha Captcha to use for registration, login, contact and reviews None
Captcha Page You can choose which page you want set captcha Reviews, Returns, Contact

Step 7

Go to image.


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